Upgrade of sporting facilities at Cairns State High School

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Niels Briet
President Cairns State High School Parents and Citizens Association
Total Signatures - 432
Sponsoring Member: The Clerk of the Parliament
Posting Date: 12/7/2017
Closing Date: 8/9/2017
Tabled Date: 10/10/2017
Responded By: Hon Kate Jones MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draw to the attention of the House that the Physical Education facilities at Cairns State High School are in significant need of upgrade. An ongoing, major priority of the School Council and P&C since 2008, these upgrades have become more urgent since the re-introduction of Year 7 to the school in 2015 and damage by weather events to the aging facilities. An indoor, dual-court sports stadium and upgrade to the swim centre's amenities are urgently required.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to prioritise funding for the construction of a sport stadium and a swim centre upgrade so that Cairns State High School can continue to deliver the exceptional educational and sporting programs for the 1619 students at Cairns State High School and provide the wider community with quality community and sporting spaces in this, the school's Centenary Year, and for many years to come.

Upgrade of sporting facilities at Cairns State High School