The plight of two so-called "death row" dingoes, baited with 1080 implants and stranded on Pelorus Island

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Rheya Linden
Animal Active Australia Inc
Total Signatures - 672
Sponsoring Member: The Clerk of the Parliament
Posting Date: 12/6/2017
Closing Date: 7/8/2017
Tabled Date: 8/8/2017
Responded By: Hon Dr Steven Miles MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draw to the attention of the House the unacceptable treatment of the so-called “death row” dingoes released on Pelorus Island by Hinchinbrook Shire Council for the purpose of wild goat control. Petitioners are especially concerned that with each day's delay not only will threatened species on the Island continue to be predated, the 1080 poison pellets with which the dingoes are baited risk activation, bringing about a slow lingering death involving horrendous suffering.

Your petitioners request the House to call on responsible Ministers, the Honourable Dr. Steven Miles, Minister for the Environment and Heritage Protection and the Honourable Bill Byrne, Minister for Agriculture, to bring about a speedy and humane resolution of the sorry saga on Pelorus Island by ensuring that the long-suffering dingoes are not subjected to further distress and unnecessary deaths by sniper bullet or 1080 poison.

We further request that the House call on responsible Minister Miles and Minister Byrne to show compassion in resolving the dingoes' plight by enforcing the dart anaesthetising, capture and return of the dingoes to the mainland and their release to Eagles Nest Wildlife Sanctuary where they will be housed for life and the 1080 implants safely removed to avoid further suffering and a prolonged and painful death.

The plight of two so-called "death row" dingoes, baited with 1080 implants and stranded on Pelorus Island