Repeal of rideshare legislation and/or payment of fair and proper compensation to Queensland Taxi Licence Owners, who have suffered financial loss, on both and income and capital basis, due to actions and inactions taken by the Queensland Government

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Peter Conohan
PO Box 5715
Total Signatures - 2759
Sponsoring Member: Steve Dickson MP
Posting Date: 5/4/2017
Closing Date: 13/6/2017
Tabled Date: 14/6/2017
Responded By: Hon Mark Bailey MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House, the persecution of TSL owners by the Government, whose failure to enforce existing laws and whose introduction of Ride Share Service Legislation and other proposed changes, has seen TSL owners financially crippled.

The Queensland Taxi Industry was a world class organisation, created by government legislation and regulation, on the back of investments sought from Australian taxpayers.

These people supported Queensland governments, on the premise that they would regulate fairly and never deregulate.
The Queensland government has derived billions in revenue from the same participants it is now financially destroying.

There can be no level playing field without adequate, fair compensation, being paid to TSL owners and the proposed reforms detailed in the draft of a bill (Transport and Other Legislation (Personalised Transport Reform) Amendment Bill 2017 (the draft Bill)) and accompanying draft explanatory notes, and draft of proposed subordinate legislation (Transport and Other Legislation (Personalised Transport Reform) Amendment Regulation 2017 (the draft regulation)) fall

well short of providing an equitable outcome to TSL owners.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to rectify this social injustice, undertake a buyback that is both ethically and morally appropriate, calculated at an amount equal to the average value of a licence, referenced to the designated operational area of that licence, and the last five recorded sales in that area, prior to April 2014.

Additionally, as the Federal Court ruled that Uber operates Taxi Services, Ride Share Legislation should be repealed or relevant laws properly enforced.

Repeal of rideshare legislation and/or payment of fair and proper compensation to Queensland Taxi Licence Owners