Development of 2236 Beaudesert Rd and neighbouring area

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Ann Smallegange
5 Dalwood Street
Total Signatures - 70
Sponsoring Member: Duncan Pegg MP
Posting Date: 23/8/2016
Closing Date: 8/9/2016
Tabled Date: 13/9/2016
Responded By: Hon Jackie Trad MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland Residents draw to the attention of the House that a development proposal for 2236 Beaudesert Rd for approximately 123 townhouses and apartments also has a ring road proposed to pass through existing parkland and stormwater overland flow area near the western corner of Palatine and Parklands Streets, Calamvale. Developments of density higher than low-density residential (which is approx. 19 dwellings per hectare) have also been proposed for 2222 Beaudesert Rd.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to:

·         reduce the density on the land at 2236, 2222 and 2204 Beaudesert Rd to 19 dwellings per hectare (ie that of low-density residential housing), and also help in reducing traffic and parking problems in the local area;

·         retain vegetation in the overland flow area from the dam south of the Calamvale Central Shopping Centre through to the western junction of Parklands and Palatine Streets, Calamvale,

·         not allow a road to be constructed along the line of this waterway;

·         not allow a road to be constructed through existing parkland at 34 and 34A Palatine St, Calamvale, and 11 Monford Place (Monford Place Park) Calamvale;

·         retain Significant Vegetation (as defined by the Brisbane City Council) on 2204, 2222 and 2236 Beaudesert Rd; and

·         not allow the aquifer existing in the area roughly bounded by Beaudesert Rd, Compton Rd, Gowan Rd and Illaweena St to be breached.

Development of 2236 Beaudesert Rd and neighbouring area