Upgrade of Mount Lindesay Highway

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
David Kenny
19 Bauer Driver
Total Signatures - 1062
Sponsoring Member: Jon Krause MP
Posting Date: 17/8/2016
Closing Date: 1/11/2016
Tabled Date: 2/11/2016
Responded By: Hon Mark Bailey MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the increasing congestion on the Mount Lindesay Highway resulting from rapid development along the Highway's corridors, including Greater Flagstone (120,000 residents over 30years), Yarrabilba (50,000 residents over 20years), Undullah (18,000 residents over 30years) and others ie. Cusack Lane, Cedar Grove, Cedar Vale, Jimboomba Woods, Scenic Rise, Avondale Waters and Oaklands. The highway services the electorates of Algester, Logan, Lockyer and Beaudesert – which results in high levels of congestion, inadequate passing lanes, inadequate turning lanes and frustration for commuters and lost productivity to the South East Queensland economy. Of concern is the increased fuel consumption for heavy vehicle operators who have to constantly drop down in their gears.


The continued increase in heavy vehicle traffic through Beaudesert Town from poultry farms, quarries, processing plants, livestock carriers plus the projected additional 80 heavy vehicles per day from the current development at Bromelton Industrial Estate will put additional strain on the highway.

The Department of Transport and Main Roads has prepared concept plans for a four lane Mount Lindesay Highway between Park Ridge and Jimboomba.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to, as part of the solution the Palaszczuk-Labor Government:

  1. Fast track the upgrade of the Mount Lindesay Highway, to four lanes to Jimboomba township, to cater for the increase in traffic from the rapidly developing suburbs;

  2. Plan for four lanes from Beaudesert Town to assist with expected growth due to heavy vehicle traffic.

Upgrade of Mount Lindesay Highway