Erection of pedestrian operated traffic lights

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Dany Bamforth
16/50 Castile Crescent
Total Signatures - 128
Sponsoring Member: The Clerk of the Parliament
Posting Date: 7/6/2016
Closing Date: 16/6/2016
Tabled Date: 17/6/2016
Responded By: Hon Jackie Trad MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the danger to pedestrians crossing the road on Castile Crescent in the vicinity of the bus stop positioned across from 50 Castile Crescent, Edens Landing. This location is widely used to cross the road by both school children attending Edens Landing State School, children from other schools who use the bus stop, as well as adult commuters. Due to insufficient parking, a large volume of school children get dropped off or collected by parents on Castile Crescent.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to urgently install a set of pedestrian operated traffic lights between the entrance to the townhouse complex at 50 Castile Crescent and the existing gate (currently not in use) to the school grounds. In addition to this, the placement of speed bumps to alert and slow down unaware motorists to the traffic lights is strongly encouraged. The proposed location for the pedestrian operated lights provides good visibility and therefore has already become the naturally used location for pedestrians to cross. Pedestrian operated lights will not hinder day to day traffic, and will provide a safe location for school children to cross at the usual busy school times. In addition, it will stem the flow of traffic causing bottlenecks at the roundabout, which can only improve safety for children utilising the lollipop person crossings beyond the roundabout.

Erection of pedestrian operated traffic lights