Licensed shooters request representatives vote against any further impositions, or adverse changes of categories in Weapons Act 1990

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Ronald Owen
24 Groves Road
Total Signatures - 348
Sponsoring Member: Tony Perrett MP
Posting Date: 15/3/2016
Tabled Date: 15/3/2016
Responded By: Hon Bill Byrne MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House recent government committee reviews and recommendations.


1. The Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee recommended, “State and Territory governments investigate avenues to deregulate the firearm industry to ease the economic burden on governments, industry and legal firearm users”.


2. Martin Place Siege Joint Commonwealth/NSW Governments Review recommend that: “Commonwealth States and Territories should simplify the regulation of the legal firearms market”.


This would allow re-focussing of police resources to frontline enforcement activities aimed at the illicit firearms market.


“Unelected“ public service staff of COAG have revisited the National Firearms Agreement adding further impositions on licensed owners by gradual prohibition and re-categorisation, which allows governments to avoid compensation for property that must be surrendered.


On November 5th Police Minister Miller will vote on COAG recommendations without any regard for, or consultation with, Queensland licensed firearm owners who are affected by this review. This is prohibition by stealth, which protects the guilty and punishes the innocent.


The Commonwealth Government states, “We should not discriminate against minorities for the actions of a few”. Yet firearm owners are continually and increasingly penalised, oppressed, have property confiscated and discriminated against.


For 18 years firearm owners have peacefully petitioned for redress with our requests always answered by increased afflictions.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to make no further impositions on licensed firearm owners and leave all categories the same.