Safe Schools Program is a vital resource for Queensland schools

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Michael O'Brien
PO Box 91
Total Signatures - 10111
Sponsoring Member: Hon Dr Steven Miles MP
Posting Date: 9/3/2016
Closing Date: 18/4/2016
Tabled Date: 19/4/2016
Responded By: Hon Kate Jones MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland citizens draws to the attention of the House the Safe Schools Program is a vital resource designed to create safe and inclusive school environments for same sex attracted, intersex and gender diverse students, staff and families. The unwarranted attack on the Program by the Australian Christian Lobby is driven by homophobia, paranoia, and confusion. At a time when LGBTIQ people in Australia have the highest rate of suicide and same-sex-attracted young people are six times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers, we need programs, like Safe Schools, that address bullying, homophobia and transphobia. We want all school children to be safe, happy and healthy and to be treated with dignity and respect.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House, to ensure that the Safe Schools Program remain active in all schools currently using the program and that no action is taken by the House to prevent or hinder access to the program for any Queensland children. Require that the list of schools currently using the program remains unpublished. Recognise that school communities are best placed to assess their own needs, continue to determine whether to implement the program and to which age groups. We call on all MPs to stand up against bullying and discrimination in schools, and distance themselves from the campaign by the Australian Christian Lobby against the Safe Schools Program.

Safe Schools Program is a vital resource for Queensland schools