No net-free fishing zones in Queensland

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Karen Collard
President, Queensland Seafood Industry Association In
Clayfield QLD 4011
Total Signatures - 20162
Sponsoring Member: Deb Frecklington MP
Posting Date: 15/9/2015
Tabled Date: 15/9/2015
Responded By: Hon Bill Byrne MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Residents of the State of Queensland draw to the attention of the House that all citizens of Queensland deserve access to fresh, wild caught Queensland seafood. The State government's policy aims to establish three (3) net-free fishing zones in north and central Queensland which will restrict commercial fishing activities. Your petitioners:

  • Support sustainable commercial fishing in my local area - don't shut it down!

  • Support the public's right to have access to fresh, wild-caught Queensland seafood, we need local commercial fishers to catch it.

  • Oppose net-free fishing areas as they will deny Queenslanders their right to access the best seafood in the world.

Reduced access to fishing areas will lead to the demise of family owned commercial fishing businesses. This will have major negative flow-on effects to supply chain businesses, regional employment and therefore significantly impact delicate local economies.


The commercial fishing sector need to be recognised and acknowledged as an essential primary food producer that is a significant contributor to the economy. Equally as important, commercial fishing allows the general public (who do not have the means or opportunity to go fishing), to be able to access and enjoy wild caught Queensland seafood as consumers.


Your petitioners therefore request the House to block legislation that introduces resource allocation through the establishment of net-free fishing zones in Queensland.