Support for British pensioners resident in Queensland and denied annual indexation by the UK

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
W Waterhouse
10 Schwartz Street
Total Signatures - 294
Sponsoring Member: Peter Wellington MP
Posting Date: 19/9/2003
Closing Date: 19/12/2003
Tabled Date: 18/3/2004
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

This petition draws to the attention of the House the plight of some
38,000 British Age Pensioners resident in Queensland and denied
indexation for their pensions by the British Government. This denial
deprives the Queensland economy of significant funds estimated at $76
million every year and the full Australian economy of close to $500
million each year. In addition it costs the Federal Government
approximately $100 million every year which they pay in the form of part
Australian pensions, and other benefits, through Centrelink, to many of
the 224,000 British pensioners resident cross Australia whose incomes
have dropped to a level which entitles them to such payments, due to the
intransigence of the British Government. This situation applies to all
British Age Pensioners resident in 48 of the 54, so called, Commonwealth
countries but not to those resident in Britain, Europe, the United States
or many other more favoured countries.

Your petitioners therefore, request the House to make strong
representations to the British Government calling for the situation to be
rectified. Furthermore we request the House to make strong
representations also to the Federal Government to increase their support
for British Australian Pensioner Association Inc (BAPA) in their fight
with the British Government. We further request that the House should
consider moral and financial support for BAPA in their fight for parity
with those British Age Pensioners who do have their pensions indexed

Request the House to make strong
representations to the British Government
calling for the situation whereby British Age
Pensioners resident in Queensland are
denied indexation for their pensions by the
British Government.