Urraween Road and Maryborough-Hervey Bay Road

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Geoff Redpath
7 Kehlet Street
Total Signatures - 1640
Sponsoring Member: Ted Sorensen MP
Posting Date: 31/7/2015
Closing Date: 13/10/2015
Tabled Date: 14/10/2015
Responded By: Hon Mark Bailey MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland citizens draws to the attention of the House the intersection of Urraween Road and Maryborough Hervey Bay Road, Hervey Bay, which is considered the most dangerous intersection within the Fraser Coast.  The Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads have identified this intersection as their highest safety priority locally. 


This intersection is extremely important to our community.  It is used to access four local schools, Xavier College, St James Lutheran College, Hervey Bay Christian Academy and Yarrilee State Primary School.  It is the access route for both Hervey Bay and St Stephens Hospitals.  It is the main Heavy Vehicle traffic corridor to and from the Dundowran industrial estate to Hervey Bay.  It is also heavily used by the daily commuters travelling north and south on the Maryborough Hervey Bay Road and those moving between the surrounding Businesses, Medical Centres, Nursing Homes, Residential Estates, TAFE Campus, the Crematorium and the Tourist Information Centre.


Current traffic count analysis at this intersection shows that the practical absorption capacity is exceeded by approx 25%.  It is impractical for Urraween Road traffic to manoeuvre (or be absorbed) through the intersection in a safe manner.  This danger is only heightened during peak hours as traffic congests in all directions to form extremely long queues, causing multiple blind spots and increased driver risks.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to seek an immediate State Government funding commitment and timetable to upgrade the Intersection of Urraween Road and Maryborough Hervey Bay Road to an acceptable safety standard. 

Urraween Road and Maryborough-Hervey Bay Road