Mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse/neglect to include Queensland Child Care Centres in Queensland Legislation

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Susan Sandeman
12 Tracey Street
Total Signatures - 711
Sponsoring Member: Hon Andrew Cripps MP
Posting Date: 10/12/2013
Closing Date: 31/1/2014
Tabled Date: 11/2/2014
Responded By: Hon John-Paul Langbroek MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland citizens draws to the attention of the House that Queensland Child Care Centres/Services are not mandated by law to report suspected child abuse or harm to the appropriate authorities. Children and babies are therefore at risk of being ignored/overlooked as being in serious harm or danger. The wellbeing and safety of a child is paramount in any situation. Unfortunately, had this law been enforced 2 ½ years ago a 17 month old baby boy may have had a greater chance of being here with us. He was brutally tortured and finally died. Eight days before his death the Child Care Centre had photographic evidence of bruising and severe redness on parts of his body. Immediate action from the staff may have made a difference to this child.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to include Queensland Child Care Centres/Services and their staff to become lawfully mandated notifiers. That is, they are to report suspected harm/abuse to a child immediately to the proper authorities. This is to be known as Mason's Law –  to honour Mason John Parker, who was the victim of this tragic death.

Mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse/neglect to include Queensland Child Care Centres in Queensland Legislation