Install flashing school signs and reduced speed limits - St Helens School, Maryborough

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Belinda Miller
57 Wilson Street
Total Signatures - 742
Sponsoring Member: Anne Maddern MP
Posting Date: 4/6/2013
Tabled Date: 4/6/2013
Responded By: Hon Scott Emerson MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of citizens of Queensland draws to the attention of the House the dangerous road traffic conditions for vehicles entering and exiting the public car park at St Helens School, Maryborough. St Helens School is located on the Maryborough/Hervey Bay Road outside of the main built-up area in an 80 kilometre per hour speed zone which reduces to 60 kilometres per hour during school arrival and departure times. Visibility to cars exiting the car park is limited and conditions for cars entering the car park often results in an interference in the traffic flow along the Maryborough /Hervey Bay Road.  Total traffic numbers on this road daily in 2011 were 10,678 including 902 heavy vehicles.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to install flashing school signs to alert drivers to the reduced speed limit during school arrival and departure times.  Your petitioners further request that consideration be given to extending the speed zones and reducing the speed limits.