Ergon Energy - Innisfail Community

Eligibility - Electors of the division of Mulgrave
Principal Petitioner:
C Broccardo
11 Anthony Street
Total Signatures - 559
Sponsoring Member: Warren Pitt MP
Posting Date: 25/2/2003
Tabled Date: 19/8/2003
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of electors of the division of Mulgrave draws to the
attention of the House the Innisfail Community has been subjected to loss
of power on a frequent basis over recent years affecting both the lives
of domestic consumers and the commercial viability of many businesses and
Ergon Energy has failed to maintain secure supply in breach of its
contract with consumers.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to direct Ergon Energy to
take whatever steps are required through maintenance and upgrading of
infrastructure in order to guarantee secure supply of electricity to