Reinstate funding for Queensland School for Travelling Show Children

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Shelley Easey
27 Muchow Court
Total Signatures - 497
Sponsoring Member: Annastacia Palaszczuk MP
Posting Date: 17/10/2012
Closing Date: 12/11/2012
Tabled Date: 15/11/2012
Responded By: Hon John-Paul Langbroek MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the Minister for Education and Training, Minister Langbroek's decision to cut funding to the Queensland School for Travelling Show Children. The Queensland School for Travelling Show Children educates children whilst on the road, working alongside their parents who are earning a living.


Your petitioners therefore request the House to immediately reinstate funding to the Queensland School for Travelling Show Children.

Reinstate funding for Queensland School for Travelling Show Children