Fishing in marine parks

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Tim Whittle
11 Captains Court
Total Signatures - 249
Sponsoring Member: Dr Mark Robinson MP
Posting Date: 7/9/2012
Closing Date: 26/11/2012
Tabled Date: 27/11/2012
Responded By: Hon Steve Dickson MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the proposed network of marine parks throughout Australia's Exclusive Economic Zone. The current process of establishing marine park boundaries has failed to include genuine consultation, and has failed to recognise that Queensland fisheries are already amongst the healthiest and best managed in the world, as highlighted in Queensland's Fish Stock Status reports over recent years.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to:


1.    Urge the Federal Government to halt the current process of establishing marine parks in Queensland federal waters and to ensure that any future marine park boundaries are:

  • based on science, and that this science be made available to all stakeholders;

  • based on assessments of all risks to the environment by marine activities;

  • accompanied by socio-economic research to show impacts on commercial fisheries, charter businesses, recreational anglers, and associated communities and industries, including tourism; and

  • considerate of Australia's future food security needs.

2.    Review the current marine national parks (MNPs) plans in Queensland state waters with a view to allowing sustainable recreational fishing activity in selected MNPs where environmental impacts are not significant, in line with the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Fishing in marine parks