De-amalgamation of Stanthorpe Shire

Eligibility - Electors of the Division of Southern Downs
Principal Petitioner:
Mary Rofe
6 Wattle Court
Total Signatures - 40
Sponsoring Member: Lawrence Springborg MP
Posting Date: 13/8/2012
Closing Date: 28/8/2012
Tabled Date: 11/9/2012
Responded By: Hon David Crisafulli MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Electors of the Division of Stanthorpe draws to the attention of the House the Stanthorpe Shire was forcibly amalgamated with the Warwick Shire in 2008 against the wishes of the majority of electors in both shires. Your petitioners acknowledge that any costs associated with de-amalgamation will be the responsibility of the de-amalgamating council, not the remaining council, should a de-amalgamation occur.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to ask the Minister for Local Government to refer our request to de-amalgamate Stanthorpe Shire to the Queensland Boundaries Commissioner for review and analysis.

De-amalgamation of Stanthorpe Shire