Call in the development application to subdivide property located at 50 Tinaroo Falls Dam Road, Kairi

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Louise Pensini
461 Tinaroo Falls Dam Road
Total Signatures - 204
Sponsoring Member: Shane Knuth MP
Posting Date: 16/2/2012
Tabled Date: 16/2/2012
Responded By: Hon Jeff Seeney MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of the residents of the Atherton Tablelands and surrounding district draws to the attention of the House that the community is concerned with Development Application (IPA08-50) approved by the Tablelands Regional Council (TRC) to subdivide property located at 50 Tinaroo Falls Dam Road, Kairi into approximately 55 residential blocks.  Approval of the application is contrary to the Town Planning Scheme of the former Atherton Shire Council, TRC, FNQ Regional Plan and proper planning principles.


We draw to the attention of the House, that the land consists of 26 hectares of prime agricultural farming land located in the iconic Golden Triangle farming district of the Atherton Tablelands.


We also draw to the attention of the House, that water and drainage of the development will have a huge adverse impact on adjoining landholders and the adjacent Atherton Airport.


Approval of this development in such an established area of prime agricultural farming district will result in the loss of land for future primary production and set a precedent detrimental to the future of primary production and farming on the Atherton Tablelands.


It will also give rise to 55 householders living in the area and this will result in potential conflicts with the adjoining aerodrome and normal farming activities.  We believe this is not in the public interest.


We, the residents, request the Minister for Local Government to call the development in.