Opposing prostitution in residential neighbourhoods

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Matthew Palmer
6 Emerson Street
Total Signatures - 17
Sponsoring Member: Hon Andrew Fraser MP
Posting Date: 3/2/2012
Closing Date: 24/2/2012
Tabled Date: 17/5/2012
Responded By: Hon Jack Dempsey MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland citizens draws to the attention of the House our strong opposition to prostitution in suburban residential neighbourhoods.


While commercial brothels and sex workers working other than as sole operators are presently regulated as to location and other restrictions, sole operator sex workers are regulated similarly to any home business and thus subject only to council planning laws.  However, prostitution in residential areas causes great disruption to local amenity, including noise and traffic late at night.  Many families when faced with prostitution in their street are concerned about exposing their children to sex work and sex worker clients.


Further, there is currently no provision allowing residents to contact the owner of the property to alert them to the use of their property and request they act to stop providing a premise for prostitution.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to:


·         Legislate to restrict prostitutes from operating in suburban, residential neighbourhoods.

·         Ensure local residents can directly contact the owner of a rental property to discuss the operation of prostitutes on their property through disclosure of current contact details for premises under such use.


Opposing prostitution in residential neighbourhoods