Signal lights at Heales Rd and Ten Mile Rd Crossing

Eligibility - Electors of the Division of Burnett
Principal Petitioner:
David Simpson
364 Ten Mile Road
Total Signatures - 175
Sponsoring Member: T Strong MP
Posting Date: 25/2/2003
Tabled Date: 15/5/2003
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of electors of the division of Burnett draws to the
attention of the House the need for signal lights on the cane train
crossing located on the corner of Heales Road and Ten Mile Road
Crossing. We feel this is needed as a matter of urgency following a
serious accident and many near misses during the cane crushing season.
Due to the increase in traffic in both locomotives and vehicles in this
area the possibility of a fatality has increased significantly. Numerous
school buses frequent this section of road as well as itinerant workers,
council workers, livestock, road transport and the local residents. The
residents feel that due to today’s modern society where the majority of
vehicles are air-conditioned, use of stereos etc that many of them do not
hear the blast of the locomotives horn. Visibility is also a major issue
which would not be rectified with land clearing due to the position of
the tracks (north/south) and the road (east/west) where the sun can cause
major visibility problems.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to make representation to
Bundaberg Sugar Ltd for the installation of signal lights as stated above.