Public dental services in Miles and surrounding areas on a permanent basis

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
John Morgan
PO Box 217
Total Signatures - 302
Sponsoring Member: Howard Hobbs MP
Posting Date: 14/6/2011
Tabled Date: 14/6/2011
Responded By: Hon Geoff Wilson MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of the State of Queensland draws the attention of the House to:

  • The lack of public dental facilities in the south west Queensland town of Miles and district;

  • The only public dental facility currently available to pensioners, health care and seniors card holders, is for emergency treatment only;

  • The nearest public full dental service is over 120 km away; and

  • The financial impost placed on pensioners, seniors and health care cardholders who have to travel significant distances to receive public dental services.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to:

  • Recognise the need for public dental services in growing communities such as Miles and the hardship caused to pensioners, health care and seniors card holders who have to travel significant distances to receive free dental services; and

  • Provide adequate funding to ensure that full public dental services are provided to Miles and the surrounding areas on a permanent basis.