Transport access to the Southern Moreton Bay Islands - Karragarra, Lamb, Macleay and Russell

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Nancy Olsson
46 Canaipa Point Drive
Total Signatures - 1639
Sponsoring Member: Peter Dowling MP
Posting Date: 5/4/2011
Tabled Date: 5/4/2011
Responded By: Hon Paul Lucas MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of citizens of Queensland draws to the attention of the House that:


·         The State of Queensland permitted the uncontrolled subdivision of the Southern Moreton Bay Islands (SMBI) of Karragarra, Lamb, Macleay and Russell into approximately 20,000 largely unserviced blocks, many of them less than 600m2, without requiring or ensuring adequate access or infrastructure for the said islands;

·         In 1973 the State of Queensland passed responsibility for management of the SMBI to the then Redland Shire Council without providing adequate finance for services or transport infrastructure for the islands, this is now causing deepening economic and social disadvantage;

·         The islands are growing rapidly with about 11,000 developable blocks.  A population of 12,000 has been predicted within the next 10 years and 22,000 has been set as the maximum.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to support the efforts of the Redland City Council and other agencies to build an economically and socially sustainable community by urgently putting in place the planning and investment required to provide the islands with an efficient affordable and ecologically sound transport system on and between the islands as well as to the mainland.