Innisfail Child and Family Health Clinic

Eligibility - Citizens of Queensland
Principal Petitioner:
Lesley Peel
72 Mill Street
Total Signatures - 350
Sponsoring Member: Warren Pitt MP
Posting Date: 25/2/2003
Tabled Date: 29/4/2003
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

To the Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of

The petition of citizens of Queensland residing in the Johnstone Shire
(Innisfail) draws to the attention of the House, Queensland Health’s
decision to relocate the Innisfail Child and Family Health Clinic from
its current purpose built and accessible location in the town centre of
Innisfail to a less suitable location in the Hospital and that the
community has expressed concerns over access issues including the lack of
car parking; the steep gradient at the point of entry and the lack of
public transport services to the hospital and that the proposed location
does not afford privacy; is situated in an environment where other
services such as a needle exchange program and mental health services are
not compatible with a Child and Family Health Clinic and that the
proposed location lacks suitable space for the conduct of group sessions
to meet the requirements of the Queensland Health direction “Model of
Care for Women and Child Health”.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to prevail upon Queensland
Health to reconsider its decision to relocate the Innisfail Child and
Family Health Clinic and to maintain the current services at the existing