Proposed sub-division and high density development of a parcel of land in a rural estate

Eligibility - Electors of the Division of Lockyer
Principal Petitioner:
Michael Kelly
144 Sentinel Drive
Total Signatures - 436
Sponsoring Member: Ian Rickuss MP
Posting Date: 24/3/2011
Tabled Date: 24/3/2011
Responded By: Hon Paul Lucas MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of electors of the electorates of Lockyer and Logan draw to the attention of the House their grievance in respect of the Urban Land Development Authority Act 2007.  We, the electors seek that the Act be reviewed and amended in order that the electors, their heirs and successors be granted proper inclusion in the application and decision making process and that our right to formally object and be heard on any proposed development application that may be considered to be not in the best interest of the electors, their heirs and successors.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to direct the Minister pursuant to subdivision 4 s.62-s.65 of the Urban Land Development Authority Act 2007 (as amended) to place a moratorium on the proposed sub-division and development of a parcel of land encompassing Part of Lot 9968 on SP163061 as an Urban Development Area, pending a review of the development application.  The proposed subdivision DEV2010/095 allows for a high density development within the precinct of a rural estate that we, the electors say has failed to satisfy the criteria for development approval and should not be permitted to proceed in the interest of the electors their heirs and successors.