Tax on bores, dams and water harvesting

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Elizabeth Stevens
Corona Hodgson Lane
Total Signatures - 125
Sponsoring Member: Howard Hobbs MP
Posting Date: 28/4/2003
Closing Date: 15/10/2003
Tabled Date: 16/10/2003
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland Residents draw to the attention of the House our objection of
the $50 fee for licenced water bores and dams as well as the interim $3
per mega litre charge for water harvesting.

Your petitioners, therefore request the House to not impose these taxes
until such time as meaningful consultation has been undertaken with
Queensland’s water using communities and a social and economic impact
study has been conducted to determine the effect of the taxes on water
users and their communities.