Mooring application and annual fees

Eligibility - Citizens of Queensland
Principal Petitioner:
Kenneth Cullum
21 Orana Esplanade
Total Signatures - 236
Sponsoring Member: John English MP
Posting Date: 25/2/2003
Tabled Date: 26/3/2003
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of citizens of Queensland draws to the attention of the
House that: (a) mooring application and annual fees are now levied on
tenders and dinghies in addition to the larger vessels moored off shore;
(b) this results in a double payment by the owners of larger vessels
employing moored tenders and an imposition on low income residents who
rely on the use of dinghies for recreational purposes; (c) the safety and
security of small craft will be jeopardised through the implementation of
mooring fees; (d) tender and dinghy owners will receive no reciprocal
service or product through the payment of mooring fees.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to review the current
mooring regulations with a view to requiring tenders and dinghies to
adhere to Marine Service Queensland’s mooring standards but exempting
them from application and annual mooring fees.