New bus service between The Gap and University of Queensland

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Emile Victor
31 Piddington Street
Total Signatures - 285
Sponsoring Member: Hon Kate Jones MP
Posting Date: 26/10/2010
Closing Date: 22/11/2010
Tabled Date: 23/11/2010
Responded By: Hon Rachel Nolan MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draw to the attention of the House to the need for a new direct bus service for residents of the northern western suburbs to the University of Queensland.  Currently all residents living in The Gap, Mt Nebo, Ashgrove, Bardon, Rainworth, Keperra and Upper Kedron must take two buses to travel to UQ via the city.  This often means the travel time is in excess of more than 1 hour compared to a driving time of 15-20 minutes.  As a consequence many people are choosing to drive instead of using public transport.  A reliable and direct bus service will not only decrease congestion on already crowded roads but will encourage greater use of Translink services and reduce carbon emissions in-line with the state government's Q2 target to cut Queensland households emission by a third by 2020.


Your petitioners therefore request the House to introduce a new bus service enabling residents living in The Gap, Mt Nebo, Ashgrove, Bardon, Rainworth, Keperra and Upper Keperra suburbs to travel direct to and from the University of Queensland.



New bus service between The Gap and University of Queensland