Objection to Powerlink high voltage powerline proposal from Millmerran to Middle Ridge

Eligibility - Citizens of Queensland
Principal Petitioner:
M Williams
45 Russell Street
Total Signatures - 709
Sponsoring Member: Stuart Copeland MP
Posting Date: 25/2/2003
Tabled Date: 13/3/2003
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of citizens of Queensland draws to the attention of the

Concerned residents of the Toowoomba, Cambooya, Gatton, Clifton,
Pittsworth and Millmerran Shires state their strong objections to
Powerlink's proposed high voltage powerline from Millmerran to Middle
Ridge. The significant concerns held by residents living under, adjacent
and near to the designated corridor are as follows; a) In 1998 a near
identical line was rejected after consultation and residents have made
extensive development decisions based on the assurance of the 1998
decision, b) due to large areas in and surrounding the corridor being
densely populated rural residential there will be many people affected,
c) a large proportion of the rural areas in the corridor are prime
farming lands requiring farm management practices that would be
restricted by these powerlines, which will lead to changes to land usage
and income, d) property values will be affected, e) the health factors
associated with overhead high voltage powerlines remains unresolved, f)
very little notice has been given to affected residents and community

The petitioners therefore request the House to: a) abandon the current
Powerlink transmission corridor proposal through these areas, b) require
Powerlink to extensively investigate the number of other possible
alternative routes for the powerline, c) ensure that costs and ease of
construction are not the sole determining factors in establishing this
powerline and that proper consideration is given to potential social,
environmental, land usage, aesthetic and health impacts.