Save and preserve the Hornibrook Bridge

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Lawrence Breikreutz
48 Sunwell Street
Total Signatures - 891
Sponsoring Member: Vicky Darling MP
Posting Date: 4/6/2010
Closing Date: 2/8/2010
Tabled Date: 3/8/2010
Responded By: Hon Kate Jones MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of citizens of Queensland draws to the attention of the House to the impending loss of the heritage-listed Hornibrook Bridge which spans the communities of Sandgate and Redcliffe.  The bridge was constructed in 1935, (and at 2.8 kms in length) it is the longest timber and girder bridge in Australia.


Your petitioners therefore request the House to do all in your power to make it safe for public access and activity by any and all means possible.  As the bridge is a popular public feature used by many for recreational purposes such as fishing, walking, running, bicycle riding and photography.  The Hornibrook Bridge is on the Q150 list as a Queensland Icon and is listed on the heritage register.


We urge you to reconsider the decision to destroy this marvellous public icon and to use the funding set aside for the demolition to restore it so that it will be preserved for future generations of Queenslanders.

Save and preserve the Hornibrook Bridge