Installation of sound barriers - Gateway Motorway east of Yeates Close continuing north east of Kenilworth Place to Ridgeview Street, Carindale

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Rita D'Amore
21 Pembridge Place
Total Signatures - 258
Sponsoring Member: Steve Kilburn MP
Posting Date: 31/3/2010
Closing Date: 12/5/2010
Tabled Date: 18/5/2010
Responded By: Hon Craig Wallace MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House that the LACK of acoustic treatment to the Gateway Motorway, specifically east of Yeates Close continuing north east of Kenilworth Place to Ridgeview Street Carindale, has significant negative impact on Basic Quality Living Standards (BQLS) for Carindale residents, in Chatsworth Electorate.Deprivation of BQLS includes:• sleeping day/night with open/closed windows, particularly from 4am (not 6am), when traffic builds towards peak hour: - disturbing normal sleep patterns every night, a proven health detriment - lowering Climate Smart Living targets due to excessive air-conditioner use since windows are closed to reduce noise;• listening to TV/Radio at average volume setting;• young children playing in the sun and outside air within the safety of their own backyard since traffic noise is distressing;• talking one-one or via telephone in the residences outdoors area, without having to speak up/shout;• relaxing in the privacy of your own residence both in/outdoors.Building covenants required to treat current noise levels and that predicted to 2021, were not issued to the developers by the relevant local and state authorities at the time residential properties were built in this estate. Your petitioners therefore request the House to call upon the Department of Transport and Main Roads to install suitable acoustic barriers along the above section, to RESTORE Basic Quality Living Standards EQUAL to those experienced by the residents when the estate was opened.

Installation of sound barriers - Gateway Motorway east of Yeates Close continuing north east of Kenilworth Place to Ridgeview Street, Carindale