Redeployment of Queensland government employees from Brisbane CBD to Ipswich

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Allan Dale
19 Hampshire Terrace
Total Signatures - 241
Sponsoring Member: Tim Nicholls MP
Posting Date: 22/3/2010
Closing Date: 14/5/2010
Tabled Date: 18/5/2010
Responded By: Hon Rob Schwarten MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland citizens draws to the attention of the House significant negative impact on work-life balance due to redeploying government staff from Brisbane CBD to Ipswich in 2012. This violates International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention number 156, concerning equal opportunities and treatment for workers with family responsibilities. Australia is a member of the ILO and is obliged to ensure the labour principles in ILO number 156 are protected by its laws. ILO 156 protects workers with family responsibilities by requiring the Australian Government to take account of the workers’ needs in terms of conditions and employment (Fair Work Ombudsman – Discrimination Policy). In my circumstances, I am a single parent having Family Court awarded sole custody of three children residing with me and attending schools in Albany Creek. They need to live near their mother as I share some parental responsibilities. I am unable to relocate to Ipswich without losing custody. Work in Ipswich adds an extra one hour travel each way to my current 45 minutes travel time each way. If I was to finish work in Ipswich at 5pm, I would not arrive home until 8pm if I was to continue using public transport.Your petitioners, therefore request the House, to reconsider the decision to redeploy Brisbane CBD government staff to Ipswich. Alternatively, negotiate with affected staff with a view to job-swapping and or locating positions for staff close to their place of residence in cases where a move to Ipswich seriously impacts upon their family responsibilities.

Redeployment of Queensland government employees from Brisbane CBD to Ipswich