Skate bowl, Innes Park Reserve

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Derek McGrath
13 Coolanblue Avenue
Total Signatures - 293
Sponsoring Member: Rob Messenger MP
Posting Date: 10/2/2010
Tabled Date: 10/2/2010
Responded By: Hon Desley Boyle MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of electors of the Division of Burnett draws to the attention of the House our strong opposition to the building of a skate bowl by the Bundaberg Regional Council at Innes Park Coastal Reserve for a number of important reasons.1. Bundaberg Regional Council has failed to properly consult, listen and act on the majority of current local residents’ wishes, as well as the Bundaberg Regional Council Mayor Pyefinch and Councillor Barnes who officially voted against the project.2. There are better, more environmentally appropriate locations for a skate bowl in our community.3. There are better recreational facility options for the park that will compliment our unique coastal environment and unite, rather than divide, our community.Your petitioners therefore request the House to use legislative and regulative powers to overturn Bundaberg Regional Council’s decision to build a skate bowl at the Innes Park Reserve.