Townsville boating facilities upgrade

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Brian Pickup
Executive Officer, Sunfish NQ (Branch) Inc
Total Signatures - 4145
Sponsoring Member: Andrew Cripps MP
Posting Date: 2/9/2009
Tabled Date: 2/9/2009
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of the State of Queensland draws to the attention of the House to the long-term lack of Boating Infrastructure available to the boat owners and their families and friends in the Townsville area. No boat ramps of equitable quality to those facilities available to the electorates of the South East corner are available in our region. Utilising Department of Transport guidelines, our locality lacks some 17 boat lanes equating to approximately 425 trailer parking spaces. The Townsville Recreational Boating community were under the impression that they were to be included in the new Port Boating Precinct Development as per "Port of Townsville, Townsville-Ross River Recreational Boat Ramp Proposal, August 2000", however, the plan that has been put forward does not include recreational boating.

Your petitioners therefore request the House to provide an immediate upgrade of boating facilities in our locality and in particular the development of a new boating facility on the South Eastern side of the Ross River (ocean side) of the proposed Eastern Corridor Port Access Road. This facility should include 12 launching lanes, pontoons, wash down bays, amenities block and at least 500 trailer parks with security. This development should be carried out in conjunction with the construction of the Port Access Road.