Relocation of Main Roads Gympie staff to Maroochydore

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Paul Church
26 Graham Street
Total Signatures - 188
Sponsoring Member: David Gibson MP
Posting Date: 11/8/2009
Closing Date: 18/12/2009
Tabled Date: 9/2/2010
Responded By: Hon Craig Wallace MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House that the decision to relocate the Department of Transport and Main Roads North Coast regional office from Gympie to Maroochydore will have a drastic negative impact on the local economy and significantly reduce future employment opportunities for the people of the Gympie region.As one of Gympie’s major employers, this office currently delivers an effective service to the Sunshine Coast, Somerset and Moreton areas of the North Coast Region. The planned reduction will see staff numbers in the office fall from approximately 130to21 over the coming years. While existing staff have been told they will not lose their jobs or be forced to relocate, those who wish to further their careers within Main Roads will need to relocate away from Gympie to have any promotional opportunities. This will result in the loss of entire family units from the area causing significant impact on Gympie community groups, schools and sporting clubs by removing substantial active participates from these groups. The loss of more than 100 family units will also have a severe economic impact on the wider community including local business houses, local government revenue and the local housing market.Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to ensure the existing level of staffing remain at the Gympie office and the office be maintained as a service centre continuing to provide excellent service for both the North Coast Region and the Wide Bay/Burnett Region of the Department of Transport and Main Roads.

Relocation of Main Roads Gympie staff to Maroochydore