Parking for Skilled Stadium at Robina

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Troy Connolly
PO Box 2174
Total Signatures - 331
Sponsoring Member: Ray Stevens MP
Posting Date: 14/7/2009
Closing Date: 7/11/2009
Tabled Date: 10/11/2009
Responded By: Hon Phil Reeves MP
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House to the Government’s policy of NO public parking policy around Skilled Stadium at Robina. This affects all patrons particularly families with small children who attend sporting events at the Stadium. It is an extremely difficult, backward and a slow process getting home after matches in its current form. There are no designated drop off or pick up zones either. Parking should have been an option in the initial stages of design for the $160 million dollar Stadium. A lot of hard work goes into attracting people to go to sporting events at Skilled so therefore the Government should not be discouraging people from using the facility by not offering parking.Your petitioners, therefore request the House to have the Government consult with the Gold Coast City Council to look at possible sites for parking at Skilled Stadium to ultimately have a parking option in place.

Parking for Skilled Stadium at Robina