Mermaid Beach interesection - Gold Coast Highway, Venice Street and Bondi Avenue

Eligibility - Queensland citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Ian Timmins
PO Box 37
Total Signatures - 100
Sponsoring Member: Fiona Simpson MP
Posting Date: 2/6/2009
Tabled Date: 2/6/2009
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of citizens of the State of Queensland draws to the attention of the Minister the very dangerous and potentially deadly hazard that has been created in the area of the Gold Coast Highway, Venice St and Bondi Ave at Mermaid Beach as a result of highway upgrades by the Department. The changed traffic conditions have resulted in many drivers now adopting practices that put themselves and/or other innocent parties in danger. Among the observed practices are:

(1) vehicles existing Bondi Avenue and driving straight across the highway to the southbound lanes (SL). Some larger vehicles have actually blocked the inner fast northbound lane (NL) whilst awaiting a break in southbound traffic.
(2) Many vehicles ignoring the traffic lights and exiting Venice St against the red light.
(3) Vehicles exiting Venice St and crossing to the southern turn lane to join the NL.
(4) Northbound vehicles using the northern turn lane to enter Venice St.
(5) Many vehicles ignoring the colour of the turn lane lights and proceeding against the red light.
(6) When the lights allow vehicles to exit Venice St, SL traffic stops north of the street. Some pedestrians, seeing the SL traffic stop, begin crossing (against the lights) unaware that vehicles may exit Venice St behind them.
(7) Large vehicles using the turn lanes are physically unable to execute the turn, and reverse back onto following vehicles to complete the turn.

Whilst the turn lanes and crossing are essential in this area for the public and businesses, your petitioners therefore request the department review the intersection before somebody is killed or injured with a view to relocating the pedestrian crossing and turn lanes, possibly to their former location north of the Venice St junction and removing the lights from Venice St.