Stop the Dingo Fence

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Bree Jasmin
125 Lack Street
Fraser Island QLD 4655
Total Signatures - 325
Sponsoring Member: David Gibson MP
Posting Date: 28/3/2008
Closing Date: 16/4/2008
Tabled Date: 17/4/2008
Responded By: Referred Minister
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the house; QPWS have proposed, without due resident consultation, to construct a dingo fence encircling Happy Valley Township on World Heritage Fraser Island. It will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and require the bulldozing of a 5-6 metre wide swathe through Happy Valley’s erosion sensitive dune system and virgin coastal woodland adjoining a delicate foreshore wetland - known habitat for the vulnerable black-breasted button-quail and the vulnerable wallum sedge frog.

We object to this unnecessary, unsightly, environmentally destructive and costly asset, which will require continued costly cyclic maintenance. With the low number of visitors to Happy Valley and infrequent dingo sightings within Happy Valley~ the cost per dog is not justifiable.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to immediately stop the bulldozing around Happy Valley Township, review this gross public expenditure, and, ensure QPWS adopt due consultative process and transparency in decision-making with the Happy Valley residents.

Also we request
• to view the EIS or REF
• QPWS assurance as to availability of funds and staffing to adequately meet ongoing maintenance and component replacement requirements (Kingfisher Bay 5.7 km fence is inadequately maintained with dingos seen regularly within the compound).
• QPWS assurance that best practices will prevail in choice and use of material, and appropriate location.

Stop the Dingo Fence